Senin, 15 Maret 2021



 token ERC20 di blockchain Ethereum,

Adonx is an anonymous, decentralized, robust, robust and reliable open source general purpose cryptocurrency for everyday use, powered by CryptoNote technology and integrated as a core asset into the AdonPay ecosystem.
The AdonPay payment system is an innovative technology that enables transactions of crypto assets and value between parties for everyday use, an alternative payment system to traditional payment systems with a focus on crypto assets for people, e-commerce and real business cases.

Project Mission:
To provide a simple, fast, innovative, modern, secure yet robust platform for exchange, escrow and payment. Most crypto startups and small traders suffer from high listing and trading fees. The Adonx platform aims to list all eligible projects at very low listing fees and provide traders with almost zero trading fees.


Great Journey Begins

"Adon combines all the best and amazing features of CryptoNote cryptography in addition to its unique and powerful features. Adon offers the best authentic experience they can have with CryptoNote currencies to end users."

Time deposit

Adon provides a Time Deposit at the blockchain level with its hybrid POS concept. Adon allows an annual interest rate of up to 12% which in economic terms is the most realistic interest rate and based on the world economy does not turn Adon into inflation, building a sustainable, viable and healthy long-term project.

private message

Apart from being a currency, Adon addresses privacy concerns with CryptoNote's privacy features, and enters private messages at the blockchain level through their wallets. Adon makes the process really easy to send private messages to your friends.

Integrated Address

The main purpose of the integrated address is not to hide the real wallet address but to package the payment ID for easy processing. Sending funds to the real wallet address or the integrated wallet address are both the same, you receive funds to your real wallet address.

Security issue

Non-traceable payments

A "ring signature" that scrambles a user's public key to eliminate the possibility of identifying a particular user. Ring signature is a more sophisticated scheme, which may actually require several different public keys for verification. In the case of ring signatures, for example, we have a group of individuals, each with its own secret and public key. The statement evidenced by the ring signature is that the signer of the message given is a member of the group.

Unlinkable transactions

Adon protects recipients from determining their balance through checking incoming messages to the user's public address, with random data by the sender, automatic generation of multiple unique one-time keys, derived from a single public key, for each p2p payment.

Hold Blockchain Analysis

Adon's blockchain analysis resistance results of unlinkability are designed to reduce the risks associated with key reuse and tracking one input to one output. which generates multiple one-time public addresses that only the recipient of the message can collect. But hardly analyzed by the confused stranger inside the block explorer.

The Adonx platform supports the following user-level security measures by default:

  1. Strong password
  2. 2-factor authentication
  3. PIN based authorization
  4. OTP based authorization

The Adonx client software will be cross-platform and will be available for the following devices and platforms:

  1. Web client for browser (mobile friendly)
  2. Desktop client for Windows, Linux and MacOS
  3. Android mobile device as a native application
  4. IOS mobile devices as native applications.
  5. Consumption Break API for Developers and Partners

Developer API:
Once the Adonx platform is stable, developers and partners will be able to use the REST API to extend, implement their own features, functions and applications based on the Adonx platform. A well-documented and formatted guide will be available on using this API. The developer API is protected by an API key, developers and partners need to create one before using this endpoint. It will actually provide endless possibilities to customize and implement your own applications and use cases.


ADONX is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, to be precise 21 million tokens will be printed, more than 80% of the unsold tokens from the sale will be burned at each stage. The remaining tokens will be used for airdrops & bounties.

The ADONX token will be used as a payment method for various services available on the Adonx eco system, or wherever applicable.

Coin Info
  • Name: ADON
  • Ticker: Adon
  • ALGORITMA: CryptoNight Lite V1
  • Difficulty: Algo LWMA 3 Adjustment
  • Decimal: 8
  • Total Supply: 184467440.00000000
  • Premine: ~ 64563604.00000000
  • Token Sale: 55.00%
  • DEX Liquidity: 10.00%
  • Operations & Teams: 20.00%
  • Airdrops & Bounties: 05.00%
  • Reserve Fund: 10.00%

  • DEX Liquidity: 20.00%
  • R&D: 47,50%
  • Marketing & Branding: 20.00%
  • Recommendation: 12.50%





by ; Viona8
link: :;u=2579952

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