Rabu, 23 Oktober 2019



Eine Plattform, die Spielplätze mit völlig neuen und interessanten Regeln schafft

Auf der CVB-Plattform können Benutzer auf verschiedene sportliche Aktivitäten wetten. Andere Wettplattformen arbeiten oft mit Buchmachern, was dazu führt, dass sich die Spieler weniger sicher und unwohl fühlen. Auf der CVB-Plattform können die Spieler direkt miteinander spielen und Spielplätze mit völlig neuen und interessanten Regeln erstellen. Wir werden von der Plattform profitieren, indem wir eine Mindestgebühr vom Spieler verlangen (viel billiger als bei vielen Wettplattformen). Wenn wir die Plattform starten, zahlt der Benutzer den CVB-Token zum Spielen ein ($ 11.99 ist der niedrigste Einsatzwert).
CVB ist eine dezentrale Wettplattform, die auf Ethereum-Technologie und Smart Contracts basiert. Wetten ist ein großes Geschäft, aber die Online-Wettbranche leidet unter mehreren Problemen. Es gibt eine allgemeine Wahrnehmung von Ungerechtigkeit aufgrund von Sicherheitsproblemen, mangelnder Transparenz und sozialem Charakter, unfairen Möglichkeiten, hohen Kosten und niedrigen Erträgen – alles Faktoren, die viele potenzielle Wetter entfremden oder zu Untergrundwetten führen.
CVB basiert auf Ethereum-Technologie und intelligenten Verträgen und ist die zuverlässigste Wettplattform. Obwohl das Wetten derzeit ein großes Geschäft geworden ist, gibt es immer noch einige Herausforderungen, die bewältigt werden müssen. Dazu gehören Sicherheitslücken, unfaire Gelegenheiten, exorbitante Gebühren, unprofessionelle Praktiken und enttäuschende Renditen. All diese enttäuschten zukünftigen Wetter und viele von ihnen entschieden sich dafür, im Untergrund zu wetten. Die CVB-Lösungen bieten dank der Blockchain-Technologie ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit und Transparenz bei den Wettaktivitäten. Im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung werden Vermittler ausgegeben: Die Spieler setzen ihre Einsätze und generieren auch Mittel für profitable Anweisungen. Um Geld zu sparen und Gewinne abhängig von den Bedingungen und den Wettergebnissen zu überweisen, kommen kluge Verträge zum Einsatz.
Wie es funktioniert
Auf der CVB-Plattform können Benutzer auf verschiedene Sportereignisse wetten. Andere Wettplattformen arbeiten oft mit Wetten, was dazu führt, dass sich die Spieler weniger sicher und unwohl fühlen. Auf der CVB-Plattform können die Spieler direkt miteinander spielen und Spielplätze mit völlig neuen und interessanten Regeln erstellen. Wir werden von der Plattform profitieren, indem wir eine Mindestprovision vom Spieler verlangen (eine Provision, die viel niedriger ist als bei vielen Wettplattformen). Wenn wir die Plattform starten, hinterlegen Benutzer einen CVB-Token für das Spiel (11,99 US-Dollar sind das niedrigste Gebot). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ftsdSz-dluF7sy_IodjKpP4mhhsBsvF7/view?usp=sharing
Spiele mit einem Mindestpreis für Gewinner kosten 100.000 US-Dollar. Mit den ersten 10 Punkten müssen die Spieler 1000 Punkte pro Woche (7 Tage) erzielen. Der Preis für den Gewinner beträgt 100.000 US-Dollar. Die Teilnahmegebühr für dieses Spiel beträgt $ 11,99 für jede Runde (einschließlich $ 10 für das Preisbudget und $ 1,99 für die Gebühr).
Arena 100
Arena 100 wird weiterhin mit einer festen Anzahl von Spielern in jedem Raum geöffnet: 10, 20, 50, 100 Spieler (Spieler können den Raum auswählen, den sie spielen möchten). Wenn genügend Spieler im Raum sind, wählt Clevelbet die Spiele nach dem Zufallsprinzip aus. Die Tickets umfassen 11,99 $, 22,99 $, 55,99 $, 111,99 $.
Arena Match – Ein Spiel, das mit einem Match beginnt. Jedes Spiel entspricht einem Spiel, das mit einem anderen Ticketpreis von 11,99 USD beginnt. 22,99 US-Dollar; 55,99 US-Dollar; 111,99 US-Dollar. In diesem Spiel spielen alle Teilnehmer in Form von Wetten, und die Anzahl der Spieler ist unbegrenzt (z. B. Arena 100-Spiele). Das Spiel ist verfügbar, um die Registrierung zu starten, bevor das Spiel in einer Stunde beendet ist, und um die Registrierung nach den ersten 15 Minuten des Spiels abzuschließen. Die Spieler fangen an zu wetten, wenn das Spiel beginnt. https://clevebet.io/#match-video
  1. Wetten die ganze Zeit auf viele Mannschaften
  2. Interne Player-Chat-Funktion
  3. Herausragende soziale Merkmale wie Gruppenevents und Ranglisten
  4. Umfassende Gebotsunterlagen und Statistiken
  5. Sichere Brieftasche und Auszahlungsmöglichkeiten
  6. Benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche
Gegen Ende des Tages ist es unser Ziel, CVB-Token in Bezug auf Wetten auf Gesamtstandards umzustellen. Damit dies Realität wird, müssen wir eine Reihe von Verfahren senden, die ein breites Umfeld schaffen und die allgemeine Anerkennung von CVB fördern. Social Betting wird nicht überall stattfinden und um die beschriebenen Ziele zu erreichen, werden wir mit jedem der relevanten Partner zusammenarbeiten.
Ein Token-Deal ist eine Geldbeschaffungsstrategie, die von Blockchain-Innovationen abhängt. Für die äußerste Offenheit und Gewissheit der Mitglieder richtet sich die Vereinbarung nach dem intelligenten Vertrag, der an die Ethereum Blockchain gesendet wird. Während der Token-Vereinbarung wird der CVB-Token als Endergebnis der ETH-, BTC- und LTE-Verpflichtungen verfügbar sein. Um einen CVB-Token zu erhalten, sendet der Geber Ether, Btc, Lte an den Smart Contract-Adress-Token-Deal der CVB-Behörde. Alle ausgehenden CVB-Token werden auf der ICO-Website angezeigt und am Ende der Transaktion an die Brieftaschenadresse des Gebers verteilt. Nachdem der Token zum Spielen des Spiels verwendet wurde, wird er mit 11,99 USD bewertet, vergleichbar mit den geringsten Ticketanreizen für die Teilnahme am Spiel. Dies impliziert, dass die Kosten des Tokens um ein Vielfaches höher sind als die Kosten im ICO-Satz. Ebenso
CVB-Token sollen in unserer Stiftung perfekt sein. In jedem Fall sind CVB-Token nicht gleichbedeutend mit Sicherheiten, da sie nicht das Recht auf Zinsen, Gewinne oder sogar den Rückkauf von CVB-Token anzeigen. Dieses Zeichen bedeutet auch nicht das Recht, an CVB-Vorstandssitzungen teilzunehmen oder daran teilzunehmen. Das Schließen des Tokens ist ebenfalls das letzte, kann nicht geändert und nicht zurückgegeben werden. Jeder, der CVB kauft, erklärt sich damit einverstanden, das Whitepaper und alle Vorkehrungen in Bezug auf die Kosten, Gefahren und Vorteile, die mit dem Erhalt eines CVB-Tokens verbunden sind, sorgfältig zu verstehen, und stimmt allen Geschäftsbedingungen zu.
Bei einem vollständigen Token-Inventar von bis zu 20 Millionen CVB-Token werden diese verwendet. Die Gebühr für die Token-Vereinbarung umfasst Gebühren und Provisionen, die an Komplizen und besondere Präsentationen gezahlt werden. Wie bereits erwähnt, wird der Token-Bestand korrigiert, während eine Vereinbarung getroffen wird. Danach kann kein neuer Token mehr erstellt werden.

Unser Team

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Jumat, 18 Oktober 2019

Stan World

Stan World

virtual platform

‘Open World’ is a word to describe a game that allows users to take full control. The goal is not to complete missions, but to explore and create minimal character limits, fully allowing gamers to explore and change the virtual world at will. This puts destiny and simulation games into the hands of users, giving them absolute freedom to create their own story lines. The initial replacement for the concept was GTA 3 which was released in 2001, and Minecraft was released in 2009. This game continues to compete competitively with giant games like PUBG, League of Legends, and Fortnite, in terms of popularity and attract millions of users per year. Until this year, The ‘Open World’ gaming industry has shown great success with Minecraft being acquired by Microsoft with a value of 2.5 billion US dollars while Roblox achieved a valuation of 2.5 billion US dollars, beating critics who believe the game must have a strict storyline. With our AI creation tools and the use of virtual reality, we integrate aspects of open world gamification with social media, providing users with a next generation experience that leads to a high level of retention.
However, Stan World is more than just a social platform; this is the world. Users find friends in new ways:
• virtual reality: communicating through private conversations imitated in a virtual three-dimensional virtual world
• virtual avatars: be what you want and express your identity with a fully customizable avatar
• virtual community: join Standoms, a community of users who gather based on the same interests / hobbies
• virtual classes: watching movies, attending concerts, playing games, going to amusement parks or relaxing together in a virtual world
Everything in our world is fully engineered, created, and managed by the community.
Using our AI-based authoring tool, each user or group of friends – without additional knowledge – can contribute to their community in the form of:
• creator: uses keywords to create virtual objects to create objects, experiences, and games.
• Users: Contribute to this creation through various forms of participation, such as testing, reviewing, and promotion.
Stan Coin, Stan World’s main currency, is protected by smart blockchain contracts that make all attribution verifiable and unchanging. We use the blockchain to ensure that creators / users receive compensation automatically, safely and instantly.
Stan Coin is a cryptocurrency utility with various applications at:
• award-winning creations: creators receive the largest percentage of profits from their creations
• Stimulate engagement: Users also receive gifts when they contribute to engagement activities such as testing, analyzing, and promoting creation.
• address the real world: transactions occur both in the virtual world and in the real world, where users can use coins interchangeably
Thanks to blockchain technology, we have developed the Stan World ecosystem to provide fair and reasonable benefits for all involved.
Access to Stan World is currently open only to Stan Coin holders, and we are now starting our Stan Coin sales round.
Sales will be limited, so be sure to get involved when we open and become one of the first citizens in the new world!
the features
Stan World will provide a virtual experience that can be fully utilized by users. Whether selling virtual t-shirts, merchandise or souvenirs, Stan World users will have the opportunity to participate in various economic events and opportunities. By utilizing this virtual marketplace, Stan World will create a new environment for users to explore and grow with their communities.
Users choose what they want to do at Stan World, whether it’s immersion in a big role playing adventure, competition with other users or just playing with friends on the Internet, you choose it and we can solve it. Users can chat with other fans to sing, dance and chat in the VR-K-pop karaoke room, attend Elon Land along with other Elon Musk fans, or participate in the Naga Game combat tournament in front of thousands of spectators watching in real time. -time. Freedom is absolutely yours.
Stan World will target existing community audiences and fandoms that will be adapted to the virtual world. This will allow users to facilitate Stan World’s fandom activities, most similar to how they interact in the real world, but in a more interesting way in virtual reality.
Token Sales
  • ICO start date: September 26, 2019
  • ICO End date: 31 October 2019
  • Soft hat: US $ 5.000.000
  • Hard Cap Size: $ 30,000,000
Detail token
  • Ticker: STAN
  • Type: service token
  • Additional Token Allocation: None
Currency Received
  • BTC
  • ETH
  • American dollar
  • XRP
  • LTC
Program bonus
  • Round 1: $ 0.10, bonus 15%, 2019/09 / 26-2019 / 10/03
  • Round 2: $ 0.25, 10% bonus, 2019/10/03-2019 / 10/10
  • Round 3: $ 0.50, bonus 5%, 2019/10 / 10-2019 / 10/17
  • Round 4: $ 0.75, bonus 5%, 2019/10 / 17-2019 / 10/24
  • Round 5: $ 0.75, bonus 3%, 2019/10/24-2019 / 10/31
Token Distribution
  • 55% – token sales
  • 15% – tim
  • 10% – mitra
  • 10% – marketing
  • 10% – reserve
Distribution of funds
  • 50% – development
  • 10% – Surgery
  • 10% legal
  • 10% – marketing
  • 10% – Creator Fund
  • 10% – reserve
  • Starting: October 3, 2019
  • End: 31 October 2019
  • Website:  https://www.stan.world
  • White Paper: Baca White
  • Token Role: STAN Coin is an official cryptocurrency that you can use to exchange profits, participation and the real world
  • Product status: ICO
  • Category ICO: Business ICO
  • Lead the team: Ki Hong Lee – founder and CEO, see Chin Woon – founder and CTO, Peter Jung – founder and COO, Joon Kim – developer
  • Token symbol: FLAT
  • Where to buy tokens:  the Stan World website
by ; Viona8
link: : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2579952

Senin, 14 Oktober 2019


Cloud computing in the modern world
Blockchain has changed the internet. This new and ingenious innovation allows blocks of information and data to be disseminated in the ledger without the involvement of the central authority, but with the basic need that the information must be approved by members. This makes information open and safe. Blockchain innovation can be used for a preferred position in distributed cloud computing which is the reason why the HIVENET project has adopted the use of blockchain in its new project.
Blockchain technology is probably the best development at the moment. You will find about advances or digital currencies. This is possible given the blockchain innovation. In this article, I will initially understand what blockchain innovation is and how it functions and after that I will see how we can connect cloud computing with blockchain innovation which is the main reason for the adoption of blockchain technology in the HIVENET cloud computing project
One of the most disturbing developments, which is rapidly advancing, is the use of blockchain innovation in distributed / cloud computing. Many organizations use distributed storage and benefit from cloud computing innovation. At the point when the ability of the blockchain is added to the mix, the results might disrupt and change the entire industrial area.
Digital money, made with blockchain innovation, accumulates a large portion of media considerations. In each case, the practical aspects of blockchain innovation in distributed computing are far more important with respect to the ability to change large amounts of data processing and narrative control in a way that is financially effective and increasingly secure.
HiveNet is a Distributed Cloud Computing Network, which connects computers around the world to perform valuable computing tasks. Can you imagine your computer making money while you sleep?
HiveNet turns your computer's idle time into income!
During this time, your computer's power is leased safely to paying customers who do the calculations (e.g. Scientific research, weather forecasts, big data analysis).

Manifest HiveNet

Computer Owner

How many hours a day do you actually use your computer?
Just imagine that your computer is profitable for the rest of the day. HiveNet makes it possible by giving valuable computing tasks to pay customers to your computer.
All you need is a computer with an internet connection.


HiveNet is much cheaper than traditional cloud computing. How? Because many important cost levers that apply to traditional providers (eg Amazon Web Services) do not apply to HiveNet, because they use the available computer idle time. So, there is no need to invest in new computers, housing and many other operational costs.

Crypto Trader

HiveNet has an inherent cryptocurrency: HiveCoin. HiveCoins is used to pay for computing power in HiveNet. With this, ongoing demand for HiveCoins is ensured and will create one of the few cryptocurrency with real and fundamental value, which provides excellent short-term and long-term opportunities for traders.


HiveNet increases the use of available computers. Thus less resources are consumed to build new computers and less electronic waste is created.
Also, HiveNet Blockchain uses a very economical Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, which saves more resources than most available blockchain.

How it works


User Clients

The HiveNet User Client is a user-friendly tool and includes a compute, blockchain and wallet software module. This enables easy and user-friendly handling without the need for in-depth technological knowledge.

HiveNet Blockchain

The HiveNet Blockchain is secured very efficiently
Stake Evidence consensus mechanism. This is specifically optimized for HiveNet and combines high security with fast transactions.

HiveNet Task Management System

HTMS is the core technology of HiveNet's decentralized cloud computing network. This ensures optimal orchestration of customer tasks, secure validation of computing results and fair payment from the computer owner.
Hyperledger is a kind of blockchain innovation that develops as an open source application where duplicate distribution of indistinguishable blockchain records makes it increasingly difficult to control information in an unapproved way. Decentralized record keeping through the use of peer-to-peer systems made a strong impression trail.
With the HIVENET cloud computing network, these records can be distributed in the cloud and duplicates that cannot be distinguished, or their bits, can be stored by different parties for review. In contrast to digital money, there is no need or desire for confidentiality of hyper note clients. To be honest, an explicit hyper record application can have limited settings from approved clients which are all known by the central authority.
The advantage of the HIVENET cloud computing network is that it connects computers throughout the world to carry out valuable computing tasks. With HIVENET, users and owners can easily earn money while still sleeping by renting it out to users who prefer to use it for scientific research
HIVENET cloud computing is cheaper than traditional and local cloud computing. Just as we already know about cloud computing platforms such as amazon that charge very high rates, HIVENET rates are very low compared to other traditional platforms.
Consolidating blockchain innovation with cloud computing HIVENET creates many opportunities for progressively proficient management of important matters.
For example, moving to cloud computing innovations that deal with hyper record frameworks will greatly improve the system currently in use, which currently takes three to six days to process. With the HIVENET cloud computing network of hyper record blockers, this exchange can occur in microseconds.
HIVENET has developed and introduced its own blockchain that is safer and designed with a very efficient Evidence of Ownership consensus compared to other traditional networks. This helps increase the speed and security of cloud computing
Point-to-point encryption helps maintain information security while on the go and while away. Block transactions is a secure method to help safeguard exchange information and order transactions. The strong P2P spread of duplicates that cannot be distinguished from blockchain through a distributed computing system includes a third layer of security.
Hoarding of information that is spread out is better than the plan to hoard a solitary point of information which has a higher danger of information breaking. The information notes are broken up into encoded parts and after these pieces are stored in different hubs, maybe in many countries.

The benefits

Computer Owner
How many hours per day do you really use your computer? Just imagine that your computer is profitable for the rest of the day. HiveNet makes it possible by giving valuable computing tasks to pay customers to your computer. All you need is a computer with an internet connection.
HiveNet is much cheaper than traditional cloud computing. How? Because many important cost levers that apply to traditional providers (eg Amazon Web Services) do not apply to HiveNet, because they use the available computer idle time. So, there is no need to invest in new computers, housing and many other operational costs.
Crypto Trader
HiveNet has an inherent cryptocurrency: HiveCoin. HiveCoins is used to pay for computing power in HiveNet. With this, ongoing demand for HiveCoins is ensured and will create one of the few cryptocurrency with real and fundamental value, which provides excellent short-term and long-term opportunities for traders.
HiveNet increases the use of available computers. Thus less resources are consumed to build new computers and less electronic waste is created. Also, HiveNet Blockchain uses a very economical Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, which saves more resources than most available blockchain.


PhotoGrid_1568272437392 ~ 2.jpg
To find out more about the HIVENET project, check the link below
Website:    https://www.hivenet.cloud/

Telegram:  https://t.me/hivenet
by ; Viona8
link: : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2579952

Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2019

Asclepius Network

Asclepius Network

increased operability of electronic medical records in the world

If at present the use of medical services applications can only be used for individuals. Currently Asclepius offers its services also to companies or hospitals that have the desire to empower it. The ASCA-EMR application is the name chosen for company services, while the ASCAa-Personal is the name chosen for individual services. This difference shows that Asclepius truly understands the needs of every customer. Use of this application in the hospital will definitely be needed. Because every day there will be thousands of physical documents that store patient medical records. Usually the medical record will be entered into the computer. But it would be nice if the hospital uses an application that can input, organize and protect data systematically. So that later if medical records are needed then employees will find it very easy. Besides this medical data will be stored permanently if it has passed the previous verification stage.
Did you know that in addition to assets in the form of money and valuables, medical records are also privacy issues that must be maintained by everyone. Therefore physical storage certainly does not guarantee safety. Therefore we also need a digitizing system that can guarantee the security of data privacy. Be it patients from important circles such as government officials or ordinary people also have the security of medical records. Therefore Asclepius invites all walks of life to empower it to prevent various diseases to protect this most valuable asset.
If you have a lump of gold to guarantee the value of your sale will reduce the intensity of users and also provide a series of treatments. Therefore, if care can be given to valuable assets, it is also a problem for us to rest and exercise according to the portion needed. Therefore the use of Asclepius will be a major reminder for us to always maintain health.

Integration of Knowledge and Expertise in Sophisticated Medical Care

For this reason, we will collect from all over the world and integrate information about the most advanced medical care for shared knowledge property.
A system where users can take advantage of services created from shared property will ultimately provide the most advanced medical care for everyone in the world.
By managing a data platform that connects the latest diagnostic and pharmaceutical information, expertise and all, we will be able to integrate the most advanced medical knowledge and expertise and to complement the global medical information platform.

Creating an ASCAa Lab

We will create an ASCAa Lab virtual laboratory on the Asclepius Network, which is a global medical information network that we will develop.
ASCAa Lab will offer a virtual research environment, where leading medical researchers around the world can participate, utilizing advanced medical knowledge and expertise integrated and medical records from around the world.
One of the systems that will be developed from the use of integrated data is AI-assisted diagnostic system, starting from AI-assisted diagnostic imaging.
The results of the study will be used for various businesses to promote the health of all people in the world.
In addition to health information, we will carefully select products with a strong reputation based on expert knowledge and certify them with authentic effects and highly reliable information. We will support evidence-based health promotion by providing information on ASCAa Lab certified health care products to people around the world.

Developing the Most Advanced Medical Information Platform

We aim to develop a “medical information platform” of the most sophisticated medical care. We will achieve this goal by using blockchain and encryption technology.
  1. Authenticity: Medical information contains highly confidential information. Information about the most advanced medical care collected for the integration of expertise and knowledge and medical records containing personal information such as diagnostic records and health checks should not be falsified.
  2. Safety: Patient records and medical information stored on the blockchain must not be deleted.
  3. Availability: Medical information systems that support the most advanced medical care must be run 24/7 without interruption.
  4. Scalability: The system must accommodate exponentially increasing medical information, patient records, and health inspection data while maintaining future updates.
The system can overcome all these challenges only by using blockchain technology, based on cryptocurrency technology.
Medical information about the expertise and integrated knowledge of the most advanced medical care and medical records that contain personal diagnostic records and health inspection data require protection from counterfeiting, especially when authenticity is very important in cases of medical malpractice and medical accidents. In addition, each data set contains information that is very private and private so that it will be highly encrypted. With this technology, information will become big data that can be verified and safe for operation.
In addition, the use of blockchain technology will secure the prevention of data loss if multiple nodes come in unexpected circumstances and allow the medical system to continue to operate without interruption.

Towards the Integration of the Most Advanced Medical Knowledge in the World

No matter how good our vision is for the “Asclepius Network” project, and no matter how much information about our medical blockchain system, we will ultimately turn all information to a large amount of waste unless we can integrate, manage and use it. We will not only build a medical blockchain system, but also develop software to integrate and utilize medical information and health care.

This step is the first of our “Asclepius Network” project.

Many might wonder if there are tools that can help doctors and other users in situations like the one above. The key to overcoming this challenge will lie in the services we are now beginning to introduce.
Many also wonder whether any device can provide medical care to everyone on earth. The answer to this challenge will once again be found in this service.
This service will serve as an entry point to the most advanced integration of expertise and knowledge, which is the core of the medical blockchain system, and they will ultimately mean getting out of it.
This is our electronic medical record system for all doctors and health promotion applications for everyone.

Information Accumulation with ASCAa-ESDM

Our ASCAa-EMR electronic medical record system comes with next-generation operability, and we plan to embed diagnoses that help information in the system.
In Japan, the so-called five-minute diagnosis rule has been enforced, so that each patient meeting will take five minutes as determined by the country’s medical expense system. The purpose of this rule is to promote a more thorough examination of patients, which can be shorter. But the current medical record system is too complicated to only make entries in time; the rules do not, thus, help doctors spend more time examining their patients. With efficient ASCAa-EMR operability, it only takes thirty seconds to take patient records. Our patented technology will significantly shorten the time needed to make medical records, which in turn will allow doctors to spend more time dealing with their patients.
AI-assisted diagnostic information
ASCAa-EMR Multilingual
Usability improvements
Embedded wallet functionality
Telemedicine must be made possible
Real-time research of the latest pharmaceutical information
Reservation system and insurance claim function

ASCAa-Personal health application for Collecting Information

Our revolutionary health application ASCAa-Personal will be developed to support the health of users in many aspects. ASCAa-Personal will seamlessly link individual health information and clinical records and offer health guidelines that best fit their health conditions, while serving the accumulation and integration of medical expertise and knowledge and medical records.
An informative video on health support
Digital medicine notebook
Provision of health examination results and related health information
Warnings for prevention of severe diseases
Health check support
Application for Health Examination Letters
Access to medical information infrastructure and search functions.
Function wallet and save
ASCAa-Multilingual Personal


The ASCA token (ASCA, hereinafter) will be issued to be used for various scenes in the Asclepius Network.
ASCA purchased through free sales will be locked, and 10% of ASCA purchased will be distributed at the end of each month for a 10 month period, starting from the month ASCA launches the first exchange.
To increase the value of ASCA, companies that operate the Japan Medical Solutions project can purchase ASCA on the secondary market with a share of profits in accordance with their sales. As the number of users of the ASCAa-EMR and Asclepius Network projects increase, sales from operations will increase; that is, project growth will increase premiums on ASCA.
Company use
Deposit to install ASCA-EMR for the Asclepius Network project
Deposit to use the medical information infrastructure of the Asclepius Network project
Personal use
Amulet after installation of the ASCAa-Personal health application
Discounts for services and purchases through the ASCAa-Personal health application


JpMedsn’s stand
Capital 60 JPY JPY at H1
Starting from the development of ASCAa-ESDM
148,750,000 JPY as capital at H1
Starting from the development of ASCAa-Personal
ASCAa-EMR α version released, trial phase in several clinics
The release of the ASCAa-EMR α version on the Q1 / Apple App Store certification was obtained
Capital 249,750,000 JPY in H2
Q2 2018
Launch ASCAa-Personal and start full scale promotion in Q2
Q3 2018
Launch of the ASCAa-EMR β version in Q3, a pilot operation
Q2 2019
Launch ASCAa-EMR and begin full scale promotion in Q2
ASCAa-Personal full-scale distribution with ASCA issued
Make ASCAa Lab in 2Q


Hiroyuki Yamaguchi: CEO, JpMedsn Co., Ltd.
Masakuni Tamura: Board Director, JpMedsn Co., Ltd.
Kazuma Kurokawa: CFO

Advisory Board

Medical Supervision
Hiroyuki YasuokaMD: Director, Minami Akasaka Clinic
Peter Lingström: Professor / Senior Dental Officer,
Department of Cariology, Department of Dentistry, Sahlgrenska Academy,
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Sales advisor
Lalit Bansal: Marketing Strategy Advisor
Marketing Strategy Advisor
Dmitri Belkov
Technology Advisor
Bharat Gandass
The protection of intellectual property rights
Ryosuke Tamura: Chief patent attorney, Lighthouse International Patent Firm

About Us

Medialbit Foundation
MedicalBit will become a registered company in the Republic of Estonia and will develop and manage finances for the project.
Headquarters Location: Harju County, Tallinn, city center, Narva min. 5, 10117
Information on Corporate Project Implementation
JpMedsn (Japan Medical Solutions Co., Ltd.), a Japanese company, will implement this project.
Company Name: Japan Medical Solutions Co., Ltd.
Lokasi Kantor Pusat: Gedung Nihonbashi Ningyocho Ishii, 9F, 3-1-17 Ningyou-tyou Nihonbashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
TEL / FAX TEL: 03-6459-0623
Fax: 03-6459-0624
Founded July 23, 2012
Contents of Business Planning medical and nursing care solutions, system development
Modal 239.750.000 yen
1948 shares outstanding
Organizational composition
Representative Director and President: Hiroyuki Yamaguchi
Director: Masakuni Tamura
Director: Kingsley Kobayashi
Director: Tony Evans
Auditor Company: Tatsuki Tsuda
by ; Viona8
link: : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2579952