the platform that creates the largest and most trusted online work environment
Technology makes a big impact on our lives every day and brings changes in our world for the better. Don't hesitate to read our new article and get a clear picture of how this technology works. And this time I will write an article about Freelanke, where independent workers will be able to work in more reliable and safe working conditions. There are millions of casual workers throughout the world. Around 35.5% of them live and work in Europe; 29.2% - in the US; 28% in Asia; 10.1% in Africa. Freelanex will combine everything in one platform.
Freelancex uses the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to create the largest and most trusted online work environment, connecting freelancers with millions of employers and job opportunities. With the Freelanex platform, you will be able to find the right employees to find the job you need or solve your problems, knowing that you are guaranteed to comply with all the conditions agreed upon by you and any other party. Occur as a result of.
Freelanex is a decentralized platform that provides a system environment on the blockchain. Thanks to this, freelancers and their potential customers will be easily connected - there is an opportunity to work together in a trusted ecosystem - where all work relationships will be managed by our smart contracts and guaranteed thanks to the use of blockchain technology. All transactions between freelancers and customers are irreversible, transparent and trustworthy. In addition, our system will be strong and resistant to all violations to protect blockchain data storage. There are standards and features on the blockchain to provide security for users, which will be implemented automatically by the blockchain - programming with smart contracts to enable data validation in less than one second. Through a user-friendly interface, there are unique opportunities to bargain using a decentralized system with smart contracts. Freelanex introduces a clear and reliable transaction system and protects employees' safety rights from fraudulent and abusive practices - situations that are mutually beneficial to both parties.
Freelanex is a decentralized platform that provides an environmental protection system on the blockchain. This is a unique opportunity to get through the use of a decentralized system using a user friendly interface. Freelanex introduces a transparent and reliable security system, and protects freelancers' staff rights from fraudulent and unspecified tasks - hence, a win-win situation with both parties.
Freelanx mission
We believe in extending the capabilities of freelancers and providing them with a reliable environment for communication with work, anywhere and anytime. We understand that the current environment is very volatile for clients and casual workers, and we strive to build trust and create a pleasant work environment.
The vision is gone
Freelanex brings together millions of freelancers around the world and creates opportunities for collaboration, transparency, and secure payments. Use Freelanex prospect does not , allows you to use the most effective and reliable equipment. We look forward to the future when freelancers around the world will have unlimited access to all and reliable relationships while working on the Internet.
Distribution of casual workers in continental matters
- Asia: 11,3%
- North America: 59.7%
- South America: 4.0%
- Africa: 1.6%
- Europe: 20.3%
- Australia: Why technology is 3.3% blockchain?
Blockchain can make agreed transactions between freelancers and their clients using smart contracts. Smart contracts automatically decide to combine contract terms - according to blockchain rules and smart contracts - for everyone in the network, as well as for transactions in the ledger. Lack of
Market Review
General principles Lack
high speed and mistrust and high confidence
Independent site fees
Change of agreement between the two
Sometimes it is difficult to get payments from clients and transactions are canceled for
confirm their transparency or accuracy There is no data validation process.
Searching for supply and demand takes time.
There is no simple and transparent way to believe. The solution needed is provided
The ease of use thanks to the use of smart contracts smart contracts
through a flexible, smart and efficient user interface for all, guarantees are available without intermediary intervention. Proper security We try to ensure the security of all transactions. There are no geographical barriers There will be no geographical barriers between users. Customer Service Customers can immediately find the services they need at any time. Operating costs Only commissions for transactions on the platform (from 8% to 10%) continue to support expansion
Offering free and paid courses to provide a variety of jobs for those who want to apply for a freelancer
See Transaction
Review and evaluate information for all parties through product audits and evaluations.
As we said at the beginning, we lived in a time that was greatly influenced by the technological revolution and other digital influences. And in many cases, this new technology plays an important role in our lives. At this stage we can already think of revolutionary ideas and how to implement them. Through a multidisciplinary study we found that a free economy has defects and demands to set safety standards, so as to establish a credible business relationship between casual workers and clients. This is the reason behind our search for blockchain technology features and standards to improve services and expand relationships between freelancers and their clients. Just imagine a platform where all customers are reliable,
Join Freelanex now and get complete satisfaction with the workflow. Our company must pay attention to your interests.
How the system works
Freelanex combines every platform element to create an ecosystem that is able to provide trust and transparency to users and secure the rights of both parties.
The total supply of tokens for FLXC token allocation is 10 billion. 5,000,000,000 tokens must be offered in future sales. After the initial token sale, FLXC will be listed on one of the main exchanges, and will be publicly available for exchange and trading. Any unsold tokens will be stored by Freelanex and provided to the community and partners, the Freelanex ecosystem development and development platform.
System Solution Provided
- Ease of use
Through a flexible, smart and efficient user interface for everyone
- Smart Contract
Through the use of smart contracts, guarantees are available to users without intermediary intervention.
- Perfect security
We strive to ensure the security of all transactions.
- There are no geographical obstacles
There will be no geographical barriers between users who communicate and work from anywhere and at any time.
- Customer service
Customers can instantly find the services they need anytime.
- Transaction fee
This is different from other platforms in terms of high transaction costs, because transaction costs on the Just platform (from 8% to 10%)
- Ongoing support
Continued technology support for platforms through the use of artificial intelligence mechanisms in the system.
- courses
Offering free and paid courses to provide a variety of jobs for people who want to apply for a freelancer
- See Transaction
Review and evaluate information through product audits and evaluations for all parties.
Token Sale
Token Symbol: FLXC
Token Name: Freelanex
Token Type: ERC20
Total Token Supply: 10,000,000,000 FLXC
Cost of 1 FLXC Token: 0.004 USD
Soft Cap: 1,000,000 USD
Hard Cap: 10,000,000 USD
Accepted Currencies: BTC and ETH
Whitelist: Yes
KYC (Know Your Client): Yes, through exchange
Token Allocation
- 2018
Came up with an Idea
Research. Planning & Development
- Q1 –Q2, 2019
Company Registration In Dubai
Team-up with professionals
Whitepaper and Other Documents Development
Website Development
Smart contract creation and Development
Marketing Strategy Development
MVP Beta Platform Creation
Seed Round
- Q3-2019
Legal background development with professionals
Partnership with world recognized companies and Professionals
Start Auditing and negtionation with exchanges
Start FreelaneX Platform V1 Development
- Q4-2019
Start Marketing Campaigns and Bounty Campaigns for IEO
Launch IEO Round 1 and 2 on ____ exchange
Launch Freelanex platform V1 Testing on real time
Start Freelanex platform V2 Development with blockchain technology
- Q1-2020
Work on the purchase of headquarters and equipment in Dubai City and processing to begin.
Pilot Prelaunch Freelanex platform worldwide for 1000 users and 20 companies.
- Q2-2020
Official Launch for worldwide
Global Marketing Campaign
- Q3-2020
Acquisition Of 10,000 Users
- Q4-2020
Final Release With AI And Blockchain Technology
Release Of Android And IOS
Acquire 100,000 Users
- 2021
Launch Headquarters In Dubai
Launch Freelanex Branches In 3 countries
Reach 300,000 Freelancers / 3000 Companies
Founder, CEO
Co-Founder and CFO
Co-Founder and COO
Chief Technology Officer
Communication and Community Manager
Chief Business Analyst
UX/UI Architect
Strategic ICO Advisor
Marketing Advisor
Financial Advisor
Business Development Advisor
Legal Advisor
Freelanex Official Resources